Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Facebook Timeline for Recording Healthcare Issues

Facebook responded strongly to Google+. In contrast to my previous post titled: Is Google+ the New Social Layer? Is Facebook Outdated? , I was forced to rethink about my opinion after some significant weeks of changes introduced by the social networking giant.

The company was able to roll out an awesome set of brand new features to engage the already engaged audience. Everyone was anticipating reaction to Google+ but no one was expecting it to be above par and in a way that it happened. It almost nullified the impact of Google+. The changes were constant and brought a better user experience than expected.


One of those changes was the introduction of timeline feature.

Although Facebook launched timeline to be an activity log of your life encouraging to note something that happened very early, in the middle or recently, I came across a whole new thought about timeline application.

A few weeks ago, I was working on a database project for a client in states who wanted to have a feature built in the db to record and show his daily sickness log. It included his BP, Pulse, or any other physical condition that he might had observed during any particular period of time to later show to his physician.

When I saw Facebook timeline, I immediately stumbled upon the thought of its use as an effective health issues recorder for any one.

For instance, a person could even upload his test reports, vital statistics or any other conditions on a particular day during his/her sickness. Timeline could offer the ability to create an online log of one’s healthcare related issues for ever and for free.

This record would be available globally without any need of carrying files, prescriptions or x-rays for checkups. Physicians could simply get connected with patients to find about periodic activity and alerts. This would save much time and hassle for everyone.

In summary, I can already think of Timeline as a huge service to healthcare providers and patients.

If anyone among the readers has already implemented that concept, please share your experiences.

Original Post at: http://www.etutslive.com/2011/10/11/facebook-timeline-for-recording-healthcar...

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